Tips & Advice
Tips for using stations and rail cars
・ Indications of station names
All JR stations display station names in both Japanese and romanized English on their platforms. A given station's name appears at the top center of the signboard in large letters; the names of the previous station and next station are at the bottom of the signboard in smaller letters.
・ Coin Locker
Coin-operated lockers (called “Coin Lockers” in Japanese) are generally available. To travel light, take along a few hundred-yen coins.
・ Public telephone inside trains
Shinkansen trains are equipped with public telephones that use prepaid telephone cards, which are available for purchase aboard trains and at station kiosks.
・ FREE Wifi
Free internet services are available in the vicinity of many stations. 
・ Food and drink sales at stations and on trains
Mobile vendors on some Shinkansen, limited express, and other trains sell “Ekiben” boxed lunches (containing local specialty Japanese-style foods) as well as snacks and drinks. These items are also readily available at kiosks and other stores at stations, many of which also have a variety of restaurants and vending machines.
・ Avoid rush hours in the morning and evening
In major cities, it's best to avoid traveling during the morning and evening rush hours (7:30-9:30 and 17:00-20:00)
Customers using wheelchairs
Wheelchair-accessible seats are available on most of the Shinkansen and limited express trains. If you wish to make use of one of these seats, please contact the station where you plan to board at least two days in advance (but no earlier than 10:00 am on the day falling one month before travel).
Wheelchairs are required to meet certain conditions concerning size and other characteristics. Power wheelchairs equipped with steering wheels are not generally permitted, although they may be used when certain conditions are satisfied.
For more information, please contact station staff.
Japan's national Holidays 2016
JanuaryJan.1 New Years Day / Jan.11 Coming-of-Age Day
FebruaryFeb.11 National Foundation Day
MarchMar.20 Vernal Equinox Day / Mar.21 Substitute Holidays
AprilApr.29 Showa Day
MayMay.3 Constitution Day / May.4 Greenery Day / May.5 Children's Day
JulyJul.18 Marine Day
AugustAug.11 Mountain Day
SeptemberSept.19 Respected-for-the-Aged Day / Sept.22 Autumnal Equinox Day
OctoberOct.10 Health Sports Day
NovemberNov.3 Culture Day / Nov.23 Labor Thanksgiving Day
DecemberDec.23 Emperor's Birthday
Useful words
Reservation = YoyakuTravel Service Center = Ryoko Center
Ticket office = Midori-no-madoguchi, Kippu-uriba Super express = Shinkansen
Limited express = Tokkyu Express = Kyuko
Rapid train = Kaisoku Local train = Kakuekiteisha
Ordinary car = Futsusha Green car = (superior accommodations)=Green-sha
Reserved seat = Shiteiseki Non-reserved seat = Jiyuseki


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